Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some Clive Lovin'

Clive is 9 weeks 5 days old today and as my sister Jennifer pointed out, it has been a while since we posted any pictures of him. So this afternoon, in fact less than an hour ago, I took some pictures of him which you will see in the slideshow below.

In addition to the recent Clive pictures, I have included a picture of our worm compost bin which we keep on a shelf in the kitchen, some plant pictures, and Audrey in her splint and sling after an ER visit earlier this week. She suffered from a nursemaid's elbow while trying to twist her hand free from my hand. She is doing much better now, though she tells me her arm is 'tender'.

Here is the slideshow:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Busy April

We have been up to so many things this April. Audrey has been practicing her biking on her new yellow Strider bike and her tricycle. She is impressed by her friend from up the street, Chase, who rides his bike very well.

She has also been having lots of fun making towers. She makes towers out of everything, but especially blocks and books. She builds them until they crumble under their own weight and then build them up again.

And we have been getting to do a bit of hiking again! Yesterday we hiked with some friends at the Sleepy Lion Trail despite the cool temperatures and mist. We saw some pasque flowers that were just budding. There are going to be blooming pasque flowers everywhere up there in no time. We got a new pack for carrying Audrey. Yesterday's hike was the first time she road in it. For the most part she did well. And so did Adam.

Grandma Judy and Aunt Betty are visiting now and we had dinner with them and the Gibsons at the Boulder Besens last night.

Here are some pictures from our busy April:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Audrey is 2 and Easter

On Saturday, we had a gathering of Boulder family, Lyons neighbors and mom friends with their families for Audrey's 2nd birthday. We had a great time celebrating Audrey with everyone.

On Sunday we visited a very pregnant Joanna and her family in Coal Creek Canyon. Even in her advanced pregnancy she was able to organize an easter egg hunt for her son, Ben, Audrey, and some other kids. The weather was a bit wintery, but it didn't stop the kids from playing outside. Audrey is still enjoying the candy and crackers from the eggs.

Here is a slideshow of our latest adventures: